In addition, teachers collect specific data on promotive interaction, the use of targeted social skills, and the engagement in the desired interaction patterns. Establish groups using a variety of criteria, such as social skills, academic skills, student interests, and instructional objectives. Day 2: Introducing Ideas About Collaboration, Day 5: Using BRAVE to Engage in Group Work, Effective Cooperative Learning Strategies, Cooperative Learning Versus Traditional Learning for Group Activities, Teaching Strategies to Promote Student Equity and Engagement, Pros and Cons to Flexible Grouping in Middle and High School, Classroom Layout and Desk Arrangement Methods, Project Based Learning for Special Education and Inclusion, 3 Grading Tips to Take the Work Out of Worksheets, 7 Buzzwords You're Most Likely to Hear in Education, “What Students Need to Know about Good Talk: Be BRAVE.”, “Collaborative Learning Practices: Teacher and Student Perceived Obstacles to Effective Student Collaboration.”, B.A., Sociology, University of California Los Angeles, When designing cooperative learning activities, teachers need to, Defining specific collaborative goals (in addition to the academic content goals), Training students in social interactions for productive collaboration, Monitoring and supporting student interactions, Assessing the collaborative process—productivity and the learning process of individuals and the whole group (thanks to increased professional development), Applying the findings into future cooperative learning tasks, Each student collects their thoughts and writes them on a large post-it note, Everyone places their notes on a large poster paper in the front of the classroom, Students are encouraged to look at others’ thoughts and build on them with subsequent posts, Throughout the length of the workshop, students can refer back to their, Provide students with a difficult problem that they should solve individually (and that they won’t be able to solve alone right away and will revisit at the end of the workshop), Watch a slideshow depicting successful group collaboration, All kinds of images: from sports teams to, As a class, discuss why and how collaboration might contribute to the success of such endeavors, If possible, watch a short documentary video that shows important features of good collaboration, Students take notes on the group process and discuss the important features, Teacher leads the discussion who points out important features related to BRAVE (encourage wild ideas, build on others’ ideas), Introduce the BRAVE poster that will stay up in the classroom, Tell students BRAVE summarizes much of what researchers and professionals (like people at. learning in an online and often asynchronous environment. It arranges and mixes students of different level of ability and learning into groups. Monitoring the learning groups creates individual accountability; whenever a teacher observes a group, members tend to feel accountable to be constructive members. The parameters often vary, as students can work collaboratively on a variety of problems, ranging from simple math problems to large assignments such as proposing environmental solutions on a national level. Students are sometimes individually responsible for their part or role in the assignment, and sometimes they are held accountable as an entire group. Meaning of interactiveness. In cooperative situations, students’ actions substitute for each other, students are inducible, and a positive cathexis is created toward other’s actions. Cooperative Learning has been proven to be effective for all types of students, including academically gifted, mainstream students and English language learners (ELLs) because it promotes learning and fosters respect and friendships among diverse groups of students. The feedback received during group processing is aimed at improving the use of social skills and is a form of individual accountability. Effort exerted to achieve includes such variables as achievement and productivity, long-term retention, on-task behavior, use of higher-level reasoning strategies, generation of new ideas and solutions, transfer of what is learned within one situation to another, intrinsic motivation, achievement motivation, continuing motivation to learn, and positive attitudes toward learning and school. Seven-hundred-fifty-four studies contained enough data to compute an effect size (there are many studies from which an effect size could not be computed) (Johnson & Johnson, 1989). When they think they have the correct answer, they have to explain their reasoning to the teacher who will choose the reporting student. Kennesaw State University defines cooperative learning as when "small teams ...use a variety of learning activities to improve their understanding of a subject." Deutsch conceptualized three types of social interdependence–positive, negative, and none. Permanent cooperative base groups provide the arena in which caring and committed relationships can be created that provide the social support needed to improve attendance, personalize the educational experience, increase achievement, and improve the quality of school life. In the late 1940s, one of Lewin’s graduate students, Morton Deutsch, extended Lewin’s reasoning about social interdependence and formulated a theory of cooperation and competition (Deutsch, 1949, 1962). The third issue is to understand the five basic elements that make cooperation work. Teachers (a) bring closure to the lesson, (b) assess and evaluate the quality and quantity of student achievement, (c) ensure students carefully discuss how effectively they worked together (i.e., process the effectiveness of their learning groups), (d) have students make a plan for improvement, and (e) have students celebrate the hard work of group members. Take existing lessons, curricula, and courses and structure them cooperatively. Johnson, D. W., & Johnson, R. (1999). Teachers (a) formulate both academic and social skills objectives, (b) decide on the size of groups, (c) choose a method for assigning students to groups, (d) decide which roles to assign group members, (e) arrange the room, and (f) arrange the materials students need to complete the assignment. The task may also point students toward what the homework will cover or what will be presented in the next class session. When international agreements are made and when international efforts to achieve mutual goals (such as environmental protection) occur, these five elements must be carefully implemented and maintained. This data is used to intervene in groups and to guide group processing. In fact, the more diversity in a team, the higher the benefits for each student. The Cooperative Learning Institute is a 501(c)3 organization dedcatited to furthering the practice and study of cooperation in the classroom. After team members are organized into these small groups and receive instruction from their teacher, students within the team cooperate with one another and work through the … In the late 1800’s Triplett in the United States, Turner in England, and Mayer in Germany conducted a series of studies on the factors associated with competitive performance. c. Predict what is going to be presented next; hypothesize. Since cooperation and conflict are inherently related, the procedures and skills for managing conflicts constructively are especially important for the long-term success of learning groups. The task requires students to summarize what they have learned from the lecture and integrate it into existing conceptual frameworks. Johnson D. W., & Johnson, R. (1989). Similarly, cooperation tends to promote more accurate perspective taking than do competitive (effect size = 0.61) or individualistic (effect size = 0.44) efforts. Continuous improvement of the process of learning results from the careful analysis of how members are working together. Deutsch’s theory has served as a major conceptual structure for this area of inquiry since 1949. Each member that is in the group is responsible for learning the information given, and also for helping their fellow group members learn the information as well. Teachers must give a clear task and a group goal so students believe they “sink or swim together.” Positive interdependenceexists when group members perceive that they are linked with each other in a way that one cannot succeed unless everyone succeeds. introduced features of good discourse and collaboration, also influenced by the Association for Middle-Level Education: If you are planning on including small group activities as a part of your instruction, and want to avoid common complications outlined above, it is a good idea to devote a few lessons at the beginning of your course to coaching your students. b. It also creates a set of issues for teachers using cooperative learning. Group processing exists when group members discuss how well they are achieving their goals and maintaining effective working relationships. Social interdependence is created when goals are structured so that the accomplishment of a person’s goal is affected by others’ actions. Cooperative learning is supported by one of the strongest research traditions in education, with thousands of studies conducted across a wide range of subject areas, age groups, ability levels and cultural backgrounds. The group celebration is a form of reward interdependence. Montagu and Horney recognized that the essence of psychological health is the ability to develop and maintain cooperative relationships. Cooperation and trust: Some theoretical notes. American Psychologist, 58(11), 931-945. a. Summarize the material just presented. From Table 1 it may be seen that cooperation promotes considerable greater effort to achieve than do competitive or individualistic efforts. Now, if you don’t have a perfect amount, an extra group of 3 or 5 isn’t bad. When utilizing these three types of cooperative learning, any learning situations in any subject area with any age students and with any curriculum can be structured cooperatively. Procedures and strategies for teaching students social skills may be found in Johnson (2009) and Johnson and F. Johnson (2009). Cooperative and Collaborative Learning Lopez, Maryan Joy 2. Collaborative learning (CL) is an educational approach that requires joint scholarly exertion by students, or both students and educators [8]. The impact of cooperative learning on achievement means that if schools wish to prepare students to take proficiency tests to meet local and state standards, the use of cooperative learning should dominate instructional practice. The study of cooperative, competitive, and individualistic efforts is commonly recognized as one of the oldest fields of research in social psychology. Cooperative learning groups are both an academic support system (every student has someone who is committed to helping him or her learn) and a personal support system (every student has someone who is committed to him or her as a person). Interactivity and negotiation are important in group learning. A typical class session may begin with a base group meeting, which is followed by a short lecture in which informal cooperative learning is used. Cooperation and competition: Theory and research. Much training time is devoted to helping teachers arrange appropriate interactions between students and materials (i.e., textbooks, curriculum programs) and some time is spent on how teachers should interact with students, but how students should interact with one another is relatively ignored. What does interactiveness mean? Informal cooperative learning consists of having students work together to achieve a joint learning goal in temporary, ad-hoc groups that last from a few minutes to one class period (Johnson, Johnson, & Holubec, 2008). Research suggests that collaborative learning is influenced by the quality of interactions. Intermittent Focused Discussions: Teachers divide the lecture into 10 to 15 minute segments. Students will work cooperatively in groups of four, taking turns when talking." In human societies the individuals who are most likely to survive are those who are best enabled to do so by their group. 1. If there is no positive interdependence, there is no cooperation. When more directly practice is connected to theory, furthermore, the more likely practice will be refined, upgraded, and improved over the years. The teacher’s role in using cooperative base groups is to (a) form heterogeneous groups of four (or three), (b) schedule a time when they will regularly meet (such as beginning and end of each class session or the beginning and end of each week), (c) create specific agendas with concrete tasks that provide a routine for base groups to follow when they meet, (d) ensure the five basic elements of effective cooperative groups are implemented, and (e) have students periodically process the effectiveness of their base groups. If correct, the group will receive another problem. Purpose of the Research. Materials on cooperative learning have been translated into dozens of languages. Cooperative Learning Defined: Cooperative Learning is an instructional strategy where small teams of students, usually two to six members, work together to maximize their individual and collective learning. Select the academic and collaborative objectives. Collaborative and cooperative learning 1. Deutsch, M. (1962). However, the term cooperative learning seems to date back to the 1970s when a great deal of research and practica1 work began on discovering how best to harness peer power for the benetit of learning. The fourth issue is to understand the flexibility and many faces of cooperative learning. Individual accountability exists when the performance of each individual student is assessed and the results are given back to the group and the individual in order to ascertain who needs more assistance, support, and encouragement in completing the assignment. The research on social interdependence includes both theoretical and demonstration studies conducted in educational, business, and social service organizations. Interactiveness Opportunity State Mercury is the smallest planet of them all Venus has a very poisonous atmosphere Neptune is the biggest planet of them all Saturn is the ringed planet from the Su Jupiter is the biggest planet of them all Despite being red, Mars is hot Sometimes team activities may come before teacher instruction, as when teams are conducting experiments in a discovery learning format. Cooperative learningis an organized and structured way to use small groups to enhance student learning and interdependence. Not all groups are cooperative (Johnson & F. Johnson, 2009). Friends are a developmental advantage (see Johnson, 2003; Johnson & Johnson, 1989, 2005). The class ends with a base group meeting. A strong relationship was found between cooperativeness and psychological health, a mixed picture was found with competitiveness and psychological health, and a strong relationship was found between an individualistic orientation and psychological pathology. 3. 275-319). Teachers planning to use CL often learn about implementation through participation in workshops or by reading text-based materials describing CL’s essential elements. Near the end of the class session another short lecture may be delivered with the use of informal cooperative learning. Cooperative learning is an instructional strategy that enables small groups of students to work together on a common assignment. in sociology and has taught school for more than a decade in public and private settings. Placing people in the same room, seating them together, telling them they are a group, does not mean they will cooperate effectively. Together they provide an integrated system for instructional organization and design (as well as classroom management). The absence of interdependence indicates no connection between people’s attempts to achieve their goals. Many cooperative learning implementers have recommended and anecdotally supported the use of computer software (Broome and Chen, 1992; Hythecker et al., 1985; Rocklin et al., 1985), and expert instructors (McDonnell, 1990) to guide and monitor adult cooperative learning episodes. Overall, cooperation tends to promote higher achievement than competitive or individualistic efforts (effect-sizes = 0.67 and 0.64 respectively). Collaborative Learning Lopez, Maryan Joy Informal method of teaching and learning where students join together to further certain learning goals or create a major project. Elementary, secondary, and university teaching was dominated by competitive and individualistic learning. Cooperative learning is an activity which helps students to work in groups. Cooperative experiences tend to promote greater social support than does competitive (effect-size = 0.62) or individualistic (effect-size = 0.70) efforts. Teachers make frequent use of group work, and thus cooperative learning, for a number of reasons: Despite cooperative or collaborative learning being ingrained in teaching practices for decades now, it has also been demonstrated that small group activities aren’t always very efficient. One indication of engagement in learning is time on task. Cooperators spent considerably more time on task than did competitors (effect size = 0.76) or students working individualistically (effect size = 1.17). Cooperative learning is a methodology that employs a variety of learning activities to improve students’ understanding of a subject by using a structured approach which involves a series of steps, requiring students to create, analyze and apply concepts (Kagan, 1990). I think 4 is a wonderful group size, perfect to pair off or work as a whole group. Moreover, children referred for psychological treatment have fewer friends and less contact with them than nonreferred children, their friendships are significantly less stable over time, and their understanding of the reciprocities and intimacies involved in friendships is less mature. The most important goal structure, and the one that should be used the majority of the time in learning situations, is cooperation. Assessing students’ learning and helping students process how well their groups functioned. Joining together: Group theory and group skills (10th ed.). 3. c. Students listen carefully to their partner’s answer. There are, however, few classroom practices that are directly based on validated theory. The way in which materials are distributed can create resource interdependence. This provides closure to the lecture. Cooperative learning is the instructional use of small groups so that students work together to maximize their own and each other’s learning. d. The pairs create a new answer that is superior to each member’s initial formulation by integrating the two answers, building on each other’s thoughts, and synthesizing. Cooperative Learning (CL) has become a widely used approach to organize students for learning activities (Slavin, 1995; Johnson & Johnson, 1999). The closer classroom practices are to validated theory, the more likely they will be effective. Closure Focused Discussion: Teachers give students an ending discussion task lasting four to five minutes. Cooperative learning has received a lot of attention and praise—especially since the 1990s when Johnson and Johnson outlined the five basic elements that allowed successful small-group learning: At the same time, the following characteristics need to be present: Side-note: This article uses the terms "cooperative" and "collaborative" interchangeably. The group problem-solving tasks were conceptual questions from physics, where the students had to discuss and provide explanations of some phenomena. ), Nebraska symposium on motivation, (pp. Teachers shoul… Teachers may also teach the concepts and strategies required to complete the assignment. Teachers have to teach teamwork skills just as purposefully and precisely as teachers do academic skills. Cooperative learning is presently used in schools and universities in every part of the world, in every subject area, and with every age student. Cooperative learning exercises can be as simple as a five minute in class exercise or as complex as a project which crosses class periods. Human Relations, 2, 129-152. Cooperative learning is an extremely useful strategy in that it involves students in established, sustained learning groups or teams. Learning together and alone: Cooperative, competitive, and individualistic learning (5th Ed.). Randomly choose two or three students to give 30 second summaries of their discussions. The fundamental premise of social interdependence theory is that the way in which goals are structured determines how individuals interact, and those interaction patterns create outcomes. Two important aspects of using informal cooperative learning groups are to (a) make the task and the instructions explicit and precise and (b) require the groups to produce a specific product (such as a written answer). Group members realize, therefore, that each person’s efforts benefit not only him- or herself, but all other group members as well. When the five basic elements may be effectively implemented in formal cooperative learning situations (formal cooperative learning may be used to structure most learning situations), informal cooperative learning situations (informal cooperative learning may be used to make didactic lessons cooperative), and cooperative base groups (which are used to personalize a class and the school). Beth Lewis has a B.A. Rejected children tend to be deficient in a number of social-cognitive skills, including peer group entry, perception of peer group norms, response to provocation, and interpretation of prosocial interactions. There is nothing magical about putting students in groups. New York: Norton. Tailor cooperative learning lessons to unique instructional needs, circumstances, curricula, subject areas, and students. Edina, MN: interaction Book Company. In cooperative learning groups students are required to learn academic subject matter (taskwork) and also to learn the interpersonal and small group skills required to function as part of a group (teamwork). The group has to be clear about its goals and be able to measure (a) its progress in achieving them and (b) the individual efforts of each of its members. Students share their answer with their partner. Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press. Some of the useful materials include: multiple post-its per student, large poster papers, a slideshow depicting successful group collaboration (pictures of current prominent teams such as Facebook, NASA, etc. Groups of 4 is the best way for students to be able to work with others, but it’s not too much for a group discussion. On being human. Silent discussion about the workshop’s two central questions: You can opt-out at any time. Boston: Allyn & Bacon. Cooperative learning is inherently more complex than competitive or individualistic learning because students have to engage simultaneously in taskwork and teamwork. Each may cause the other. By assigning students roles, role interdependence is established. It is difficult to overemphasize the importance of these research results. Cooperative learning processes prepare students to assess outcomes linked to accreditation. Finally, cooperative experiences, compared with competitive and individualistic ones, have been found to promote more positive attitudes toward the task and the experience of working on the task (effect-sizes = 0.57 and 0.42 respectively). It is difficult to find a text on instructional methods, a teacher’s journal, or instructional materials that do not discuss cooperative learning. The teacher’s role for using informal cooperative learning to keep students more actively engaged intellectually entails having focused discussions before and after the lesson (i.e., bookends) and interspersing pair discussions throughout the lesson. After each segment, students are asked to turn to the person next to them and work cooperatively in answering a question (specific enough so that students can answer it in about three minutes) that requires students to cognitively process the material just presented. The parameters often vary, as students can work collaboratively on a variety of problems, ranging from simple math problems to large assignments such as proposing environmental solutions on a national level. Mastering the basic elements of cooperation allows teachers to: 1. Cooperative learning is now an accepted and highly recommended instructional procedure. These three types of cooperative learning may be used together (Johnson, Johnson, & Holubec, 2008). Each goal structure has its place (Johnson & Johnson, 1989, 1999). It also provides time for teachers to move around the class listening to what students are saying. The diversity of the samples studied and the variety of measures of psychological health provide considerable generalizability of the results of the studies. It was not an advantageous individual here and there who did so, but the group. What does interactiveness mean? Have you ever participated in a group project or on a committee to achieve some task? In order to ensure the base groups function effectively, periodically teachers should teach needed social skills and have the groups process how effectively they are functioning. 3. It is through promoting each other’s learning face-to-face that members become personally committed to each other as well as to their mutual goals. 10Th ed. ) students up for success, try the BRAVE workshop and many faces of cooperative.... 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