Although all these herbs have similar environmental needs, they don’t all start the same. Some take two or more weeks to germinate, while others sprout faster. The best spot for your indoor herb garden is on a sunny kitchen windowsill if you have one. While you can grow nearly any herb indoors if you are dedicated enough, it’s a good idea to start your indoor herb garden with herbs that grow well together. Pick a Location. All plants need a period of darkness, so don't run your grow lights all day. Here’s how to start herb gardening indoors. I like to cook with some herbs & spices and want to start an herb garden indoors to have fresh ones for a change. Bright sun, with at least 4-6 hours a day of direct sunlight. Here are some of the best choices for herbs to grow indoors: Basil is a staple in Mediterranean and Thai cuisine and is best and most fragrant when used fresh rather than dried. First of all, an indoor herb garden lets you have fresh, organic herbs whenever you want them. If your planters don't have drainage holes, make a few in the bottom. So you’ve decided to step up your growing game and start an indoor garden. Herbs are hardy plants but will not grow well in insufficient light. Starting Your Herb Garden A successful herb garden requires planning. An indoor herb garden also needs high humidity and good air circulation. Read the fertilizer label to know how much and how often to feed. Don't let them dry out, but don't overwater them, either. If you live in a rather dark apartment or house you might … Remove side shoots and leaves from the bottom third of the stem, and place it in water. A dormant period in late fall or early winter is essential for tarragon to grow indoors. They add flavor and nutrition to foods, produce lovely fragrance in the home or garden, and are excellent plants for pollinators and beneficial insects. Although the two herbs taste very different, they are easily grown together. Most herb seed germination can occur indoors using a seed-starting flat with a quality potting or seed-starting … The Best Fertilizers for Tomatoes – 7 Top Picks, THIS SITE IS OWNED AND OPERATED BY INDOORGARDENING.COM. INDOORGARDENING.COM IS A PARTICIPANT IN THE AMAZON SERVICES LLC ASSOCIATES, Poisonous Plants to Keep Away from Cats and Dogs – 40 Species to Avoid, Philodendron Types: 5 Beautiful Options for Your Indoor Garden. During the winter, keep your herbs away from windows that might transmit the cold through the glass, and don’t let them touch any windows that heat up when the sun shines in. In general, the best location for an indoor garden is the area … An indoor herb garden also needs high humidity and good air circulation. Starting herbs from seeds is similar to sowing other types of garden vegetables. Aim for moderately damp to semi-dry soil. Thyme is a close relative of oregano, and people throughout Europe and the Middle East use it regularly. Many herbs are incredibly easy to grow indoors, and it’s a rewarding, money-saving activity. Chervil is essential in French cuisine and grows well indoors, where it can avoid predation … Choose year-round herbs. Indoor temperatures around 70 degrees Fahrenheit are ideal for germination. For annuals like basil and cilantro, they will stop growing delicious leaves once they are allowed to flower, so frequent pinching keeps them growing for longer. You can harvest your indoor herbs whenever you like, by snipping a stem of rosemary to add to a stew, or clipping some leaves of basil to garnish a salad. The 10 Best Indoor Herb Garden Kits and Planters. This plant needs full, warm sun to thrive, so it may not be suitable for all indoor herb gardens. It has a vast range of uses, from culinary to cosmetic, and grows quickly, producing a wonderful fresh scent. Full-spectrum grow lights are great for herbs. Dill is an essential part of many European culinary traditions, and both the fronds and seeds are popular flavoring ingredients. Begin with purchased plants, plants you’ve dug from your garden or packets of seeds. Enjoy fresh herbs in your cooking all year long! Once a week, look over your herb plants and snip off the very tip of the growing stems. If you start with plants, follow the growing directions on their tags or labels. Pot a mature plant from your outdoor garden and leave it outside until the leaves die back. A timer for the grow lights will help give them the right amount of light each day. Fertilize your herbs while they are actively growing with a fertilizer made for vegetables and herbs. A small watering can, sharp snips for harvesting the herbs, a spray bottle for misting them and a small trowel for digging up outside plants to bring in can be helpful. Once you have chosen the herbs you will grow indoors and the container and soil, you can plant the herbs in the container as you would any other plant. For example, mint doesn’t breed true from seed, and is better propagated by cuttings. First, find a window that gets at least six hours of bright sun each day. Rosemary, thyme and basil, are all good options to grow indoors, but instead of starting with a seed, you may want to pick up a plant of these herbs to add to your garden. All the herbs above, except for dill and chervil, need the same environment to thrive. This plant is a classic culinary herb with a distinct fragrance and flavor. Feed Your Herbs With A Seaweed Or Fish Based Fertilizer. Ideally, you would set aside a pair of scissors specifically for your herbs, so they don’t get other food or other contaminants on them. Looking for a product or tool? Figure out your indoor garden location. Water once the soil … Parsley is one of the most common garnishes, but it’s also packed with nutrients and extremely good for you. Here's How to Start an Indoor Herb Garden | Eat This Not That If you live in an apartment or have limited space, grow your herbs in an indoor hanging planter. You can grow herbs almost anywhere in your home or office as long as you can meet their light, water, humidity and temperature needs. Chervil is essential in French cuisine and grows well indoors, where it can avoid predation from slugs, who are attracted to this plant. COPYRIGHT © 2020 INDOOR GARDENING In fact, many herbs react well to periodic harvesting, which has the effect of pruning them and creating a more vigorous plant. If you are looking to start an indoor herb garden, the easiest would be to buy an indoor herb kit. Chives are beautiful and incredibly easy to grow, providing a wonderful flavor to all kinds of dishes. Supplies for an Indoor Herb Garden from Seed. From grow lights, to soil tips, to indoor gardening kits, there’s always more information you can use to help your garden grow. To grow well indoors, herbs need as much natural light … muffin liners. The best herbs to grow from cuttings are: Some herbs are best grown from seed, and can easily be germinated and moved to a larger pot when they are larger. If you haven’t noticed by now, indoor herb gardens can require a little more effort … PRIVACY POLICY. Herbs like a temperature of about 65–70 °F (18–21 °C) indoors, as well as some indirect sunlight. There are many reasons for learning how to start an indoor herb garden. Cut a healthy stem from an unbranched shoot that is about 6 inches long. Before watering, assess the moisture level by sticking your finger a good inch or two deep in the soil (particularly in containers). This … A southern exposure is fine for most herbs, while others, like mint and parsley, do better in windows that face west. For a fun family project, let your kids learn how to grow herbs indoors with you. While you’ll save money by sowing herb seeds, your herbs will be ready to harvest earlier if you start with seedlings. Consider Placement. If you have some fresh herbs growing in your outdoor garden, you can dig up a few of the … Check out each room to find a good spot for your plants. Plant 1-2 herb seeds per square inch of pot surface, and mist the soil regularly to keep it moist but not wet. All Rights Reserved. Keep the herbs in a warm, sunny environment. Run them for 12 to 16 hours a day for herbs that need bright light and keep your plants within a foot or so of the bulbs. Most gardeners like to grow their herbs in four or six-inch pots that can easily fit on a windowsill. If the temperature outside drops a bit at night, … Be sure to research your herbs … And if you splurge for some grow lights, you can grow pretty much any herb you like. THIS SITE IS OWNED AND OPERATED BY INDOORGARDENING.COM. If your indoor herb garden doesn’t get good air circulation, use a fan around them, but don’t let it blow directly on the plants. In addition to giving your herbs enough light, you'll need to water them regularly. Mint is a hardy little herb that grows best in containers indoors to control its spreading tendency. If you see roots coming out of the bottom of your herb pots, move your plants into pots or planters one size larger and give them fresh potting soil. Avoid placing the herbs near drafty windows and doors or heating and cooling vents. A windowsill herb garden can provide fresh herbs for many dishes. You can provide yourself year-round with herbs… The seed packet should also tell you how deep to plant the seeds or if they should be scattered over the soil, lightly misted and left uncovered. Some of the best plants for your indoor herb garden include: If you’re growing herbs from seeds, sow them in shallow trays filled with seed starting mix or plant them directly in the pots or planters you want to use. … If you’re starting with herb seeds, a seed starter kit with plant markers will help you remember what’s planted in each pot. eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'indoorgardening_com-banner-1','ezslot_14',124,'0','0']));It’s great for you, your home, your budget, and the environment! Chervil. It’s best to keep the strongest half of the seedlings and discard half of them that are smaller or weaker. Place the pots in a warm room with ambient light, but away from direct sun, and cover them with plastic film to preserve moisture and humidity. To plant tiny herbs seeds evenly, try the following method. As a rule, don’t harvest more than about 1/3 of any given plant at once, so that it can recover and continue to grow. If you're growing herbs from purchased plants, transfer them from their nursery pots into pots or planters with drainage holes so they won't sit in water. A timer that automatically turns them on and off makes it easy and convenient to give your indoor herb garden just the right amount of light the plants need each day. Whether you want to extend your growing season or add some more fresh food to your diet, there are a variety of vegetables, herbs, and fruits that do well indoors. I start my indoor herbs in the fall, as my garden starts to wind down for the year. Herbs are incredible plants. Most herbs hail from Mediterranean locales and need the light to thrive. Great ones to start with are: oregano, chives, thyme, parsley, basil, … Many different styles of grow lights are available. In fact, if you aren’t harvesting, you should be pinching. While you can start from seeds or cuttings, finding starter herbs at your local grocery or hardware store is the simplest and quickest way to enjoy fresh herbs in your kitchen. This encourages the lower leaves and stems to grow, and makes a thicker, more vigorous plants. Its leaves will start to wilt if it gets too cold. Additionally, an indoor herb garden is an attractive, charming way to make a home look and smell more natural and inviting. So, it’s worth spending some time to find the right spot or create a sunlight solution. Find the best spot for an indoor herb garden. so I'm nervous to try but want to. When starting very tiny herb seeds, be careful not to plant too many seeds close together. Today we’ll look at how to start an indoor herb garden, and the steps you can take to start growing herbs today. The best type of fertilizer to use for herbs … If you dig herbs already growing in your garden to create your indoor herb garden, be sure no unwanted pests come with them. It’s a cool-season plant and will enjoy being shaded by other plants in an indoor herb garden. To help speed up germination, soak seeds … Grab one of these indoor herb garden kits and start growing thyme, basil, parsley and more, so you can snip some herbs right when you need them. You can easily dry, grind, and use them differently from the leaves and stems. Coriander is a delicate, tender green that you can use in traditional recipes from many countries. Herbs will thrive in average home temperatures but they like good air circulation and high humidity, so spray them regularly with a mister, group them together or keep them near a kitchen sink. And remember that herbs are more flavorful when they haven’t been over-watered, so that the essential oils and compounds in the leaves are more concentrated. Savor the flavors of your favorite herbs and add some welcome green to your home or workspace when you learn how to grow herbs indoors. Once your herbs are 4-6 inches tall, you can begin harvesting them. Use this guide to learn how to grow herbs indoors.

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